Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Winner vs loser

I once have read this from a sport book talking about sportsmanship psychology about winning and losing the game.

"The difference between winners and losers is that

winners show up expecting to win, while loser
show up hoping to win."

There are a huge different between EXPECTING and HOPING to win. It not just the "wording" are different but everything . From the mindset , idea, action, excitement and everything. The only thing that same between the loser and winner, their goal is the same , "WINNING".

I believe no people in the earth want to become poor, unimportant, sick or dont have money . In the same time i also believe that everyone want to become success, healthy, wealthy, rich and have much time to spend their love one , say yes if you agree :-). But, the question is a lot of people still didnt get what their want most. Why some people who are excel in their education when we are in high school still drive their "BANK CAR" and some of the people who being said will not have a good job in the future drive sport car ? Why ? Have you ask yourselves about that?

The answer is simple . It's how you thinking about winning and about reaching your goal, your dream . ARE YOU EXPECTING TO WIN OR HOPING TO WIN ? This two mindset is totally different . From the inside and the outside , from the thought to the action. People who are expecting to win is the person who will do whatever it take to win . Another term for winner is DO OR DIE. They do with all their heart, even though they meet failure on their way to reach their dream , but the failure is not going to stop them . They failure will become their springboard to reach their dream faster (we call it temporary failure , or i seldom hear to call it as the wrong route to go)

While in other way, the loser who also have their DREAM , is only hoping to win. What is hoping ? Hoping is 50% win and 50% lose (sometimes much lower than that percentage). They fight for their dream half heart and the result is also half heart. If they meet some small failure then their start to thinking that the thing that they do cant make any result for them , even-tough there are people who already success that start from scratch. Then they go to other thing, then next thing after thing until then they become expert on jumping from this to that and telling people that the thing that they do , cannot work (They become what we call S.N.I.O.P- syndrome negative influence by other people).

For me, winning or to become success is not an option , it is a must . We will get there as long as you continue what you have already start. :-).

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